Thursday, September 2, 2021

Improved geographic context for other Nomisma concept types

I have made some modifications to the underlying SPARQL queries to improve the geographic distribution of regions and dynasties in

Previously, a map for a region would show points for coin hoards that contained a coin explicitly from that region. However, it did not exploit the inherent geographic hierarchy expressed by skos:broader between mints and parent regions. For example, there are numerous hoards that contain coins from Syracuse, but the map for Sicily did not show them, except for a small handful of hoards that contained Sicilian coins from an uncertain mint (_: nmo:hasRegion nm:sicily). As illustrated below, the coverage for Sicily has been expanded well beyond the two hoards previously depicted to numerous examples: most in Sicily, but others elsewhere in the Mediterranean and one as far as modern Iran.

Geographic distribution of hoards with coins from Sicily

Similarly, maps for dynasties now include points for hoards associated to rulers through their relationship to dynasty URIs with org:memberOf.

Distribution of the Seleucid Dynasty before update
Seleucid Dynasty after update

One other minor update was to enable the display of findspots and hoards on the map for collections. As you can see, the American Numismatic Society has fairly good coverage within Greek coin hoards.

Mints and hoards associated with the ANS collection

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