Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Excavation coins added to Levantine Coins Online

About 60 coins with findspots in Israel (50 of which are from excavations) have been added into Levantine Coins Online. The excavation coins are from KAMAT (Staff Officer for Archaeology – Civil Administration of Judea and Samaria) and the Israel Antiquities Authority, and the remaining coins are from private collections.

Yehud type 24 has the largest representation of physical specimens, with a handful from excavations.

A screenshot of Yehud Coinage 24, a coin type. It contains a textual description of the type and a map showing the distribution of the type found in excavations.
Yehud 24 with findspots

The findspots have also propagated into the broader numismatic network graph in Nomisma.org, with findspots visible in the maps of individual concepts relating to Yehud coinage.

A map of part of Israel with points showing the locations where coins have been found in excavations or other occurrences.
Distribution of finds of Yehud Medinata