Friday, July 19, 2024

CEAlex excavation coins added to Ptolemaic Coins Online

Yesterday, the excavation database of Centre d'Études Alexandrines (CEAlex) was publicly launched, and today the relevant Linked Open Data has been imported into This new project currently includes the coins from the Cricket Ground excavations of Alexandria, which lasted from 1994-97. The nearly 300 coins published so far range in date from the Hellenistic period through Roman into Byzantine; more than 50 link to coin type URIs published in various platforms, primarily Ptolemaic Coins Online.

These excavation coins therefore enrich the research potential of PCO, providing findspots for dozens of coin types, which, in turn, expand the geographic visualization of related concepts. You can learn more about the project by clicking the database link above.

CEAlex coin 3868 in Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire B196

Updated distribution map of Ptolemy II in

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